Managing Stress. Simple Steps To Improve Your Mental Wellbeing Now.

Managing Stress.
When you realise that you have a stress issue, thats the time to start doing something about it.

Stress can be many things, Behavioural, Physical or emotional.
Its important that you sit down with family or friends and ask them how stress is affecting you, as they see you

There are many ways to calm youself down. Deep breathing and counting to ten is a start.

If you are in the middle of doing something, such as housework, doing your job, looking after children, just stop, breathe deeply and step away for a minute or two.

Look at your environment, is your workplace or home cluttered? Have you completed a task or just given up in frustration because of the clutter around you?

The old saying, a tidy mind is a clear mind, is more relevant than you can imagine.

We often get frustrated because we cant find things, then we start to stress about it.

And generally its the small things that seem to be huge problems when you are stressed.

If something you are doing is causing stress, stop straight away. If it is a work environment tell people around you that you need to take a few minutes break.

Explain that you need to focus to do the task correctly, and that a few minutes break will help with your concentration.

Most bosses and managers will appreciate your honesty and if they are good at their job will understand.

If its a home environment or the children are stressing you, take minute to explain to them what the problem is, many of these small adults will understand more than you think, as long as you are calm when you explain to them.

Its also important to have a little me time.

To relieve stress, find some time for you.

It may be shopping alone, or with friends.

Going for a walk, visiting a museum, having your hair done, or having a massage.

All small things, but they can make a difference.

Make a plan to have some me time. so the next time you feel stress, you can find a way to de stress.
